Game Theme ConceptAs part of the design process for a game I hope to make in the future, I wrote these two pieces. They share some motifs and chord progressions, as they are themes for the main character and her brother. The first theme, for the brother, has a more mellow and home-y style. The second is the main character starting her adventure, so it's more energetic and keeps tension for a nice repeat.
Inspired CompositionsSome pieces I wrote after learning about the theory behind other notable pieces.
Writing SamplesI've formatted two stories and one essay as writing samples. "Sister Short Stories" is a pair of short stories where the start of one and the end of the other invoke opposite images. "Eldritch Jeff Foxworthy" was written from a prompt to write a first-person story, but only use first-person pronouns in one instance (which I took the liberty of expanding to two, as I felt it fit the ending better.) I also wrote this essay covering Amanda Gorman's poem written for the inauguration of Joe Biden, "The Hill We Climb", in comparison to past inaugural poems.
Radiohead CoverA cover I composed for an Ableton Live class in Fall 2021. I'd go back and lower the vocals or even re-record with a microphone cover to get rid of the breathy sound, and change the MIDI strings and saxophone- but it was made in the pro version, which I had a trial of for school, and I can't edit it in the normal version. I reached out to an old friend of mine to record her playing on her piano at home, and edited it in Ableton to fit a more rigid time.
Sometimes HatsMy band from high school, with Henry Byrne on guitar, Peter Brown on drums, and me on bass (we switched around vocals). The mixing is horrible because it was in 2018/2019, before I learned how to do it- but even if I wanted to fix it, I don't have the original files anymore.